Stories Read the stories of the children and pray for them. You are not here by chance and they are not here by chance either. Akriti-Magar story read onlineDownload Ankita-Magar Story read onlineDownload Saroj-Rai Story read onlineDownload Ashika Rai Story read onlineDownload Yashika-Rai story read onlineDownload Sarmila-Rai Story onlineDownload Anup-Magar Story onlineDownload Sanjib Praja Story onlineDownload Six-Daughters-Story-2024-1Download Prerana-Tamang-StoryDownload Saman-RaiDownload Sanjib-Praja-1Download Prasansa-Rai-1Download Aryan-Tamang-StoryDownload Scan this QR code to make recurring donation through PayPal.