Naniharu means the Children in Nepali
See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven that their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven. Mathew 18:10
Why we are here?
We are here to help the orphans and vulnerable Children have a place to call home, have food before they go to bed and school to attend. We can’t feed a hundred children, but we can start feeding from the one.
Why do we do what we do?
Over the course of time, when we travel around the countryside, giving food and medicines, giving relief supplies and healing the brokenhearted, victims of all kinds of natural disaster, we saw the Children, their eyes talk to us saying would you love me as well. We love to help and we need you as well. Put your little love in your giving you will have the true joy unspeakable.