I was born in South Africa and at the age of 3, I moved to Australia with my family. I grew up in a Christian home (in Australia) with my Mother, Father, sister and brother. I was the middle child. My Mom, sister, brother, and I attended a Baptist church regularly. I enjoyed Sunday school and worshiping God. As I grew older I kept going to church and started going to youth. I enjoyed you a lot, as I was able to meet people my age. However, I went to a non-Christian school and unfortunately, I was influenced towards the worldly way. I got involved with the wrong group of friends and found myself conforming to the patterns of the world. But, I was never happy with those friends and doing worldly things (sinning). My heart was never satisfied and whole. But Praise God even though I was attending church religiously, the Lord moved on heart one day and I felt the peace of the Lord so strong. I then decided to get baptized. I asked my older sister if she wanted to get baptized as well and she was excited. We then got baptized in the river. It honestly was such a beautiful experience that I will never forget. I remember coming out of the water and seeing a lovely light. I felt whole, clean, pure, and joyful. I then got connected into a small group and started studying the word of God (Bible). I learned from leaders and other peers which was great to receive more understanding and wisdom. I then started to read my bible more and more and pray daily. This grew me, as I was learning more about the Lord. I then graduated and started studying teaching at a local Christian university. I meant many friends at University that I am still connected with now and enjoy their presence. I got connected to a life group with young adults and started to serve in the house of the Lord. I enjoy serving in the church As I got close to my relationship with the Lord, I wanted to seek the Lord more and more, to know His heart more and to give Him my life. Little did I know that the Lord wanted me to travel to Nepal. I at first did not want to go as I didn’t have enough money, but the Lord provided. THE LORD ALWAYS PROVIDES. FOR HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST. I enjoyed my time in Nepal and the Lord blessed me with the beautiful people that looked after me. I love the people that I got to meet and share the Gospel of Christ to them as well.
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24
“Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.”
Chelsea Watson